For issue 41 of VAGUE Lea Schairer and I were fortunate enough to score a full interview.

Some great questions by Denny Pham as well as plenty of other interesting stuff to read/see in this issue.

SOLO #55

The latest issue of SOLO is out. The loss of the magazine and the passing of its editor-in-chief will leave its mark. For years it was undisputedly one of the most important platforms for skaters, photographers and videographers.
For issue 55, I was able to contribute an article with poetic collective, which was also exhibited at the Vladimir Film Festival.
A large part of the SOLO crew will now carry on and publish skateboard content under the name Bubble. Good luck!


Especially in these hard times for print publications I am very happy to still see actual magazines out there. A while ago Irregular came out with their 50th issue which Sven Kanclerski and I have been working on. The feature is mainly about being outside and exploring and is rather focusing on aesthetic skate spots.

SOLO #52

My friend Louis Taubert and I went along the so called Atlantic Wall last year to explore and shoot some skateboarding. The full article is printed in the current issue of SOLO and also published online.


In October last year I had the opportunity to join the New Balance squad for a little UK trip. There were some festivities that took place regarding the release of Tom Knox’ pro shoe and I was around to take some pictures of it. I decided to create a little copy zine about it which can be ordered here.