My friends just dropped their new video called ‘Fool’s Gold’. You can find the whole article about it here. In addition to that there is another ten page article accompanying the video in the new issue of ‘a brief glance‘.
A couple of weeks ago FREE skatemag issue 30 came out with a Daniel Pannemann interview. Daniel and me were working on this little piece for quite some time. We went on a fun camping trip to Croatia and flew to Portugal during pandemic time. It's a nice read spread over 14 pages.
The July-August issue of free skate mag is out.
My photo of Daniel Pannemann’s fs flip was honored with the opener page.
It’s a really great memory of a day that could’nt have been any better.
We were with a group of homies in my town. All of us skated this one sunny spot, before we went for dinner where we had a good chat and some beers.
Germany’s finest Niklas Speer von Cappeln took a quite roundabout way to get in to this backtail that I ve taken last atumn in Hamburg.
Altogether a pretty respectable issue with a massive load of good skateboarding.
Mark Frölich has just been interviewed by the only trans-european skatemag out there. Go check it out here.
I was lucky enough to contribute a photo to his 12-pages appearance.
Browse your local skateshop and take some of your spare time to sit down and read.